Enrollment Services departments are open for in-person and virtual services. Please check the Enrollment Services Update page for hours, service offerings, and contact methods.
Change Your Information: Name, Address, Lived Name, Gender Identity, or Sexual Orientation Information
Change Your Information
Legal Name / Date of Birth / Social Security Number
Update Your Legal Name, Date of Birth, or Social Security Number
To change or correct your legal name, date of birth, or Social Security Number, please submit a Legal Information Correction Form. Please note that all updates require supporting legal documentation as indicated.
As part of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy (GRLN), legal names are now kept confidential to much of the campus community. The office locations below will still have access to legal names for legitimate business needs only.- Admissions (Undergraduate, Graduate, Summer Sessions, and School of Medicine)
- Athletics
- Commencement
- Financial Aid
- Housing
- International Affairs
- Parking
- Student Business Services
- Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
- Student Disability Resource Center
- UCR Police Department
- Student Health Services/Counseling and Psychological Services
- Title XI Office
- UC Path
- University Writing Program – Only has access for initial entry level writing exam prior to first term enrollment.
The policy in its entirety can be found at policy.ucop.edu/doc/2700693/GRLN.
To update your lived name, please review the information in the accordion below. -
Lived Name
Change your Lived Name
You may provide the university a lived name via R’Web. Use of a lived name is optional and can be provided, updated or removed at any time.
- Providing a lived name will update systems across campus. However, departments with legitimate business and/or reporting needs will still have access to legal name. For a list of departments with legal name access, please click here.
- UCR Directory (profiles.ucr.edu) - The UCR Directory will only use your lived name. If you do not have or provide a lived name, the name that appears throughout our systems will be equal to your legal name. If you prefer not to be listed in the directory, you may opt out by going to R’Web and following the appropriate navigation. Check the box for Online Directory to make your selection.
- Proxy/Authorized User – ALL self-service access you provide to your authorized user will have your legal name present.
- R’Card - Students who document a lived name on R'Web are highly encouraged to obtain an updated R'Card to present for exams and other campus services. As part of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy, the Card Office will replace R’Cards for current UCR students and employees who have updated to a lived name (either through the Personal Information section of R'Web Self-Service or through UCPath). You must provide your current card in order to request this one-time replacement, free of charge for lived name changes only. Any additional replacement requests will be charged at the standard rate. If you have exhausted your one-time free replacement, students may contact the LGBT Resource Center to apply for assistance paying the replacement card fee.
- R’Mail - If your UCR email address was created prior to September 2023, it was based on your legal name at the time. If created after September 2023, it will be based on your provided lived name (if no lived name was provided, it will default to legal name). In all cases, if updating your lived name, the system will generate an alias email address within 30 minutes which will be tied to your student account. To use the alias email address, you will need to complete some additional steps.
- Student Patient Portal - You may also change your lived name for the Student Health Center via the Student Patient Portal. At any point, you can amend the lived name in this portal to be different from your selection in R’Web. If you change your lived name in the Student Patient Portal it will not change your selection in any of the other locations listed. If you select a lived name for the Student Patient Portal and then at a later date make a change in R’Web, it will not change the student patient portal. So if you’d like that updated, you must go back into the portal to make the change.
- Zoom - Lived name will not automatically update. Students may follow these instructions, to update their name in their zoom profile.
Address or Phone Number
Change Your Address or Phone Number
You can change your local and/or permanent address or phone number by clicking on the Personal Information icon in R’Web. Most communications from UCR are sent to students by email via R'mail. These may include notifications that your bill is ready to be reviewed, instructions related to registration, important calendar dates, etc. Although most communication from UCR will be sent via email, there may be times when it is necessary to send postal mail. If you expect to receive a refund and have not signed up for direct deposit, your check will be mailed to the local address we have on file (if you are living on campus, this will be your campus housing). Please note that postal mail sent to a local address will be addressed to your lived name and not your legal name. If you do not have a lived name, your legal name is considered your lived name. It is your responsibility to manage your addresses via R'Web. Also note that if you do not have a local address on file, postal mail will be sent to your permanent address and will display your lived name.
Update Other Offices
Keep in mind, the address and phone number you submit is also used by:
- Financial Aid
- Student Business Services
- Academic Departments
- The Campus Health Center
- Campus Housing
It is NOT used by:
- Rivera Library
- Transportation and Parking Services
That means you will need to contact those offices and inform them of your change of address and/or phone number.
If you want to update your phone number used for the campus emergency notification system you may do so in the Personal Information icon of R’Web. If you have questions about the process to update your emergency phone number or the notification system itself, click here or contact Bear Help.
Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Personal Pronouns
Change your Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, or Personal Pronoun Information
Students may provide the university their gender identity and/or sexual orientation via R’Web. Providing this information is optional and is used by the university to target resources and other student support services (e.g., scholarships, support services, and themed housing). This data also enables the campus to develop curricular and co-curricular offerings that reflect diverse perspectives, and that promotes a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students.
For student employees, please note that the information you provide in your R'Web Self-Service is your primary information. Any information you update within UCPath will be exclusive to the UCPath system and the staff who work directly in that system.
As part of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy, UCR is no longer collecting information related to “sex at birth”. We have amended our documents/forms, web information, and self-service pages to provide students with multiple, more applicable options when selecting gender identity and/or sexual orientation. The policy in its entirety can be found at policy.ucop.edu/doc/2700693/GRLN.Please note, federal reporting standards require campuses to attribute a female or male identifier to students when receiving required gender data reports from campuses. The GRLN Policy addresses how to assign gender data to these limited options when reporting out.
Data collection of personal pronouns allows UCR the ability to provide faculty, staff, and administration (in certain circumstances) the information necessary to address each student appropriately.
You may also change pronouns for the Student Health Center via the Student Patient Portal. At any point, you can amend the pronoun selection in this portal to be different from your selection in R’Web. If you change pronouns in the Student Patient Portal it will not change your selection in any of the other locations listed. If you select a pronoun for the Student Patient Portal and then at a later date make a change in R’Web, it will not change the student patient portal. So if you’d like that updated, you must go back into the portal to make the change.
You can add, change, or remove your gender identity, sexual orientation, or personal pronouns by logging into R’Web and following the navigation to the information you’d like to update.
You may learn more about the GRLN policy and the use of this optional data on the Chancellor’s Gender Recognition & Lived Name Committee web site.